An "owlsome" week!

An "owlsome" week!

Friday, December 20, 2013

Merry Happenings!!!

Have a blessed Christmas and relaxing break!! 
Feel free to share this blog address with your relatives so they can also keep up with your Gator during the year!!!   Here are some fun shots of us in action the past month!!

 Mexican Pinatas for the Wisemen to fill!

Video Surveillance of St. Nick filling our shoes

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

New additions, literally!!!

On the side of this blog you will notice some new links for Everyday Math.  Your child has a password
that is also available on another link.  All last names have been removed for safety and will not affect log in.
The Everyday Math Link will appear and your child must type in the user name that is on the the password page.  The next box will ask for the password.  It is the code in the boxes under their user name.
The page will then open and say, "Welcome, _______________" (your child's name)
From there, he or she can select from the choices available for games.  You may also click on the Homelink
Messages for parents if you want more information!

The class looked at this today, but they have not practiced doing it on their own, so you may have to help them sign in a few times at first!!  It is a great resource for practicing at home and challenging or supporting your student at their level!!!  


Thursday, December 5, 2013

Holiday Happenings!!!

Whew!!!!  December has crept up on us and we are all in a holiday rush!!!!  We are traveling around the world in Social Studies to see how the holidays are celebrated in various countries.  We just left Israel where the Jewish people celebrate Hanukkah and have landed in Germany, just in time for St. Nick's Day!!!

Making the frames for our Hanukkah candles

Our candles are welcoming visitors to Grove!!!

 Our next bulletin board in progress....
 We have made How to charts for various topics in small groups.  Today, this one
came in handy!!!!

   It is hard work making lists and using punctuation at the same time!!!

 These holiday sticky notes are perfect for vocabulary words we want to spell!!!

Today, we read the Jan Brett story, Gingerbread Baby. 
 Matti, the main character,
catches the baby that gets away with a special gingerbread house.  So, we decided to design some of our own!!!

You can see the shoes on their nametags.  They are there waiting for Germany's St. Nicholas to come tonight and fill them with treats!!!  Switches  are placed in naughty children's shoes instead of coal!!!   (I don't think we'll see any of those, though!!)

And while we don't have an Elf on the Shelf, apparently
one has been watching us because today we received 
a special treat with a letter saying we've been good!!
We were asked to "Elf" another class with treats in return,
so Miss Hale's class is getting stickers and candy cane drops...ssshhhh!!!